User:Paul/sandbox/Install Postgrey

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WARNING: This article is in a user sandbox, indicating it is a rough draft, and as such, is likely incomplete, contains buggy and insecure configurations, and is subject to substantial and frequent changes.

Most of the commands in this article require root privileges:

username@servername:~$ sudo -i

Install Postgrey

Install the Postgrey package, then configure it to use unix domain sockets:

root@servername:~# aptitude install postgrey
root@servername:~# mkdir /var/spool/postfix/postgrey
root@servername:~# chown postgrey:postgrey /var/spool/postfix/postgrey
root@servername:~# chmod 750 /var/spool/postfix/postgrey
root@servername:~# nano /etc/default/postgrey




POSTGREY_OPTS="--user=postgrey --group=postgrey --unix=/var/spool/postfix/postgrey/postgrey.sock"
root@servername:~# service postgrey restart

Next step

Install and configure SPF.

External links

A Mailserver on Ubuntu 12.04: Postfix, Dovecot, MySQL | Ex Ratione